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Ο φορολογικός σας σύμβουλος! Αποκτήστε πρόσβαση στη γνώση από €8,33/ μήνα.

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Ν. 4580/1966

Ν. 4580/1966 (ΦΕΚ Α 235/09-11-1966) Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation between Greece and India


Between the Government of Greece and the Government of India for the Avoidance of Double Taxation of Income

Whereas the Government of Greece and the Government of India desire to conclude an Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation of income:

Now, therefore, it is hereby agreed as follows:

In witness whereof the undersigned duly authorised thereto have signed this Agreement and have affixed thereto their seals.

Done at New Delhi on the 11th February, 1965, in duplicate, in the English language.

For the Royal Government of Greece    For the Republic of India